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Our Ministries

Each of GFA’s ministries holds true to the same vision we started with—to meet tangible needs of precious people and show God’s love to those who need it most.

How we help

National Missionaries

GFA World missionaries are hand-picked and trained to minister the love of Christ in Asia. Thousands of new fellowships have started as a result. You can support the work of national missions and enable villages to experience Christ and all He has done for them.

By sponsoring national missions, you will:

  • Make it possible for people who have never heard about Jesus to hear how much He loves them.
  • Enable men and women to minister in areas that may be restricted or closed to Western missions.
  • Serve the people of Asia by providing national workers with the resources they need to show Christ’s love to those around them.
  • Partner with an organization that has more than 30 years experience ministering in Asia through national missionaries.

Child Sponsorship

Your sponsorship provides help and hope that transforms entire communities

Your child is the priority. Through our community development approach, you show him or her the love of Jesus Christ by meeting practical needs. You help provide solutions like basic health care, food, clean water and educational and community service opportunities.

Clean Water Ministries

Jesus Wells Are Bringing Water, Breakthroughs and Redemption

GFA's clean water ministry is delivering safe, disease-free water to families across Asia through Jesus Wells. Each Jesus Well provides clean drinking water to approximately 300 people at a cost of less than $5 per person for up to two decades of supply.

Finding water that will not cause death or illness in the family is a challenge many people in Asia face.

Many women and children are forced to walk hours each day to distant water sources, such as ponds or lakes, and even then the water may be contaminated. Sometimes they know this may bring death and sickness to their families, but they have no other choice.

Give Towards Clean Water Projects

Compassion Services

Compassion Services is comprised of four areas of ministry: slum ministry, leprosy ministry, medical ministry and disaster relief. Through these ministries, GFA workers are relieving the burdened, rescuing the endangered and revealing God's compassion to the people of Asia.

Give Towards Compassion Services

Widows and Children

In Asian culture, many widows are seen as a curse and may even be shunned from society. Depending on the circumstances, they’re often ignored by even their close relatives.

Abandoned children also face extremely difficult conditions. On their own, they search for food in waste dumps and make their homes with trash and rubble.

COVID-19 has put widows and abandoned children at even greater risk as they are among the most vulnerable in society. In addition to the risk of contracting this virus, many of them struggle to even put food in their stomachs, and, for widows, feed their children.

Your donation will provide GFA World workers with the means to help these precious women and children of God by providing essentials and hope in this desperate time.

Give To Help Widow and Abandoned Children

Children's Ministry

Children are often the key that opens the door to the sharing God's love in many villages.

And GFA Children's Ministry is taking this message of God's love to tens of thousands of the precious children in developing nations.

It typically starts with a song or a Bible story the children learned while at a GFA Child Sponsorship Program center, Vacation Bible School or Sunday school. These little children then take what they discovered about God home to their families and friends, and soon people are talking about—and giving their hearts to—Jesus Christ!

Give Towards Children's Ministry

Building Churches

When a congregation lacks a permanent structure for worship, it can hinder an entire community from learning about God's gift of His Son. Believers and pastors are limited in their ministry opportunities due to lack of space to meet, and the community might not even realize a congregation is in their midst. In addition, to people who have practiced religion in a set-apart structure all their lives and who are careful to demonstrate respect when they do so, Christians worshiping without a dedicated building seem irreverent.

The answer to this problem is simple: build more permanent places of worship.

Give Towards Church Buildings


Can you imagine living as a Christian without a Bible? When you want to know more about Jesus or grow in your walk with Him, where would you turn? What if your community didn’t love Jesus, and you were the only believer in your home? Think about it.

Many in Asia do not have a Bible. They don’t simply lack a book—they lack a treasure that is filled with wisdom, instruction, encouragement and glimpses of the heart of their Creator. They are unable to search Scripture for themselves, and they have no way of sharing His Word with others.

Give Towards Bibles


The Holy Spirit is moving powerfully in the hearts of listeners through radio. National missionaries have reached interior villages after days of walking narrow dirt trails, only to be greeted by the words, "What took you so long to come? We have been listening to your broadcasts for years, and we have placed our faith in Jesus Christ; we have been waiting for you!"

In such a way, GFA Radio is reaching across geographical and political barriers, establishing fellowships in isolated areas yet to be reached by missionaries.

Give Towards Bibles