Financial Integrity

GFA World is firmly committed to good stewardship of the funds entrusted to us by our friends and donors. We promise to use your gifts wisely and effectively in Christ's name.

The Home Staff

Serving on GFA's home staff is much more than 9-to-5 office work for one family member. Spouses and even children get involved in activities such as prayer meetings, writing newsletters to support teams, extending hospitality to visitors and cleaning the office. GFA is a great place to grow spiritually while also playing a vital role in reaching this generation for Christ.

Compensation and Support-Raising

GFA World home office staff raise their own financial support to cover their salary and medical insurance needs. Support levels are adequate to live modestly in the suburban area and are determined by need and family size. Support levels for GFA staff in 2012 generally ranged from [value] to [value] per month.

"Through the process of raising support, the Lord showed me that He is completely faithful to provide for all my needs in ways I didn't expect." — Jen S.

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If you would like to sponsor, donate or make a store purchase, please visit our US office page.

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